The Perfect Meal

White Paper





Powered by IC Blockchain


The world generates 37% of greenhouses gases through farming, food production and waste management.

1/3 of our arable land in the last 40 years has been lost due to improper farming methods, erosion, and pollution.

Soil dysfunction impacts human and animal health. It is sobering to reflect that over the last seventy years, the level of every nutrient in almost every kind of food has fallen between 10 and 100%. An individual today would need to consume twice as much meat, three times as much fruit and four to five times as many vegetables to obtain the same amount of minerals and trace elements available in those same foods in 1940.

Today, 75% of the world's agricultural land is used to raise livestock.

On a global scale, current livestock farming accounts for 14.5% of greenhouse gas emissions - as much as the entire aviation sector. Communities need companies to support them to have a positive impact on climate change.

We need companies that have a real conviction to challenge the status quo and have the welfare of the planet and people as a core value when seeking to make a profit.

Our vision is to implement the gold standard carbon strategy that will empower people to make a collective difference in climate change. To be a company that stores carbon through its operations that only run on sustainable energy with a zero carbon footprint. To have a product that rewards customers with carbon credits, reduces their carbon footprint, heals the planet and produces food that is nutritionally rich and chemical-free.

Zero Carbon Mouthful is the agribusiness of tomorrow that will achieve this gold standard. A business that farms regeneratively; chemical-free, building soil volume and storing large amounts of carbon. An organisation whose manufacturing and distribution technologies use sustainable energy, creating a product with zero carbon footprint, with a high nutritional value that is chemically free.

Several of the top multi-billion agribusinesses (agricultural businesses) provide the chemicals and poisons used to grow our food and then supply the medicines to manage the diseases linked to these products. Physical and mental illnesses are at a record high, often rooted in what we eat.

This business will be run as a DAO ( Decentralised Autonomous Organization), ensuring fair income distribution, transparency and democratisation of every level of decision-making. Our communities engage with a dapp to create an immersive traceability experience of our core business operations. We provide a virtual world infrastructure to champion their eco-warrior status views and beliefs, ensuring we have more customers engaged with us than we are initially able to supply.

Every bite of your food has a carbon footprint

We bring you the perfect meal with zero-carbon impact

8,000 hectares of farmland will produce $100,000,000 turnover with our product launch, growing the land under our management to 80,000 hectares will support a $1,000,000,000 turnover by year six.

An average of 20 tons of carbon will be sequestered per hectare per year across the 80,000 hectares of land we manage, equating to 1.6 million tons of carbon per year.

We will be looking to increase the sequestration average to 40 tons and the farmland to 320,000 hectares with the aim of sequestrating over 12.8 million tons of carbon per year.


Our product has one primary objective: Reduce our customer's carbon footprint.

Power is in the hands of our clients to make a real climate difference. Customers contribute to the reduction of their personal carbon footprint through the Zero Carbon Mouthful Ready Meals. These ready meals have a carbon reduction impact. Coupled with further carbon reduction activity suggested through the community and app, customers will be able to achieve one or more days a week with a net-zero carbon footprint. Collectively, the results of our community, connected through technology, would be rewarding to the individual and substantial to the planet.

We are creating a healthy range of meat-alternative meals. Growing our ingredients on our regenerative farms, processing them in our green factories, packing them in our eco-friendly packaging, then shipping and delivering them to the door with zero carbon emissions.

Every mouthful of our product is zero carbon. Not carbon offset, carbon-neutral or net-zero.

Every piece of equipment will be electric or sustainable on farms and in factories, delivery vehicles will be all-electric or powered by green hydrogen.

Every point in the process from farm to plate will be carbon-free or sustainably powered; on top of that, our farming will sequester large volumes of carbon (take large volumes of carbon out of the air and store it in the soil).

There is a current focus for consumers to impact their carbon footprint through their transport choices. With a strong lean towards electric vehicles (EV's). EVs still create a massive carbon footprint in their manufacture and, unless charged with green energy, in our use of them. Currently, car manufacturers keep the carbon credits of the cars we buy to offset against their emissions. Our carbon credits are bolstering their profits. Any carbon credits that ZCM raises belong to our community and will be distributed with that in mind.

The current frozen-food market is $358billion and commercially recognised as highly profitable.

The current plant-based meat-alternative market is valued at $13.5billion, which is estimated to grow to $140 billion over the next 10 years - a 1000% increase.

Our objective is to corner 3% of this market with a $4billion turnover by 2030. Our carbon sequestration and net-zero farming, manufacture and supply chain will allow our clients the carbon credits to invest in other parts of their lives. We are enabling our clients to have a positive impact on the earth and have a substantial impact as a community.

Problem Statement

It is almost impossible to have a significant impact on climate change as an individual.

Food and its production account for nearly 40% of global greenhouse emissions and yet the truly carbon-free food options are almost nil.

Look at your food preparation and consumption. Can you walk out of your house or have food delivered that has a zero-carbon footprint? Not greenwashed with 'carbon neutral' or carbon credits, but food with an actual zero. carbon. footprint.

With all the guilt and pressure around climate change, people need real workable solutions for CO2 reduction. Most strategies are expensive like electric cars and solar or they are greenwashed with some sort of carbon offset like tree planting.

We inherently know that the climate problem will not be solved by planting a few trees or spending a couple of pounds a month on offsetting. The problem is larger than that. We are all, on some level, aware that we need to take personal action to make a difference, but currently, the problem is overwhelming and difficult to know what or how to make the changes needed.

In the UK, Europe and the US many organisations are claiming that they are making efforts on our behalf - seemingly taking on some of the responsibility. Many of these efforts are uncoordinated and fragmented so there is no collective sense of making a difference.

Greenwashed products are great for marketing but cannot provide any collective answer. People are also frustrated as there is no recognition let alone reward for their considerations, and often ridiculed for their efforts.

Zero Carbon Mouthful has a real-world solution - a fair exchange to combine personal efforts to effect change through food that stores carbon in the soil, reduces the carbon footprint of our clients, rejuvenates farmland, increases food nutritional value and has a high social impact on areas of the world that need it most; and a community that can make a collective authentic impact on one of the biggest challenges facing humanity today.

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To sequester large volumes of carbon through our farming practices. Create little to no carbon through our operations by running on sustainable energy with equipment that has no carbon footprint. When customers buy our product, it will replace existing carbon-generating products they consume and give them carbon credits we create through our operation: The gold standard in carbon reduction.

We will empower each of our clients to have a significant climate impact

Heal the Planet

Carbon Sequestration

Nourish your Body

Healthy Food

Reduce Your Footprint

Carbon Reduction


Carbon dioxide is a natural by-product of what humans and animals breathe. The increase in man-made emissions from industry over the last 150 years has started to tip the balance, causing the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to reach levels that are having a drastic impact on the planet. CO2 currently represents about 84% of all greenhouse gases emitted by human activities, totalling around 30 billion tons a year. Several factors keep our world in balance to support life as we know it.

Our soil's ecology also requires a balance to support us and we are currently destroying it. A teaspoon of productive soil generally contains between 100 million and 1 billion bacteria. Our current farming techniques are killing them.

We have damaged the ecology of our soils and as a consequence upset the balance of our planet and impacted the nutritional content of our food, with one study estimating that some foods' nutritional content reduced by up to 38% between the 1950s and 1999.

Regenerative farming can grow food that helps to restore the health of the soil, which in turn removes the need for unnecessary chemicals, can sequester water and over 20 tonnes of carbon per hectare per year and allows essential nutrients to build back up in the soil.

We are empowering our clients to contribute to the restoration of balance in their food supply chain

Measuring carbon is a complicated process and we use technology to measure sequestered carbon. Zero-Carbon refers to our entire farming, transportation, warehousing and production operation and processes having no negative carbon output. All energy usage must be from green sources. All inputs into the production process that becomes part of the final product will also be carbon zero. Assets used in this process are not likely to be carbon zero at this stage and will be excluded from our calculations. As an organization, we will always be net-zero because of the abundance of carbon we sequestrate. This carbon belongs to our clients and will not be leveraged unnecessarily.

text no CO2 in a cardboard signboard
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Our Product

What makes our product special and gives us a competitive advantage is that it does not currently exist.

A Zero Carbon Farm to Fork food product that gives back socially, economically and environmentally at every stage of its production and distribution. .

  • Regenerative Farming Practices
  • Soil Regeneration
  • Carbon Sequestration
  • Uplifting Underserved Communities
  • Zero Carbon Equipment
  • Educational programmes
  • Gold Standard System
  • No Chemicals used
Outlined Hexagon
Tractor Icon
Outlined Hexagon
Eco Factory Icon
  • Zero Carbon Manufacture
  • Testing
  • Product Design
  • Research
  • Manufacture
  • Zero Waste
  • No Chemicals
  • Community Upliftment
  • Hemp Packaging
  • Special Freezing to preserve food integrity and use 70% less energy
  • Zero Carbon Supply Chain
  • Biodegradeable
  • Independent Revenue Stream
Outlined Hexagon
Package Icon
Outlined Hexagon
Delivery Location Icon
  • Zero Carbon Logistics
  • Isochoric Freezing
  • Cargo Yachts
  • Zero Carbon Supply Chain
  • Independent Revenue Stream
  • Plant-Based Food
  • Home Delivery
  • High Nutritional Value
  • Full Product Traceability
  • No Chemicals
  • Self- Heating
  • No Dishes!
  • Carbon credits passed onto customer
Outlined Hexagon
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Our Market

The global market for our product is growing rapidly.

Ready Meals




Trending, up





Trending, up



Frozen Food




Trending, up

Alternative ​Meat




We will disrupt this market with a no-compromise zero-carbon high nutrition objective.

The demand for additive-free, plant-based food products is expected to fuel these markets.

Current food shortages through the COVID restrictions have affected supermarkets buying patterns. Frozen food offers a 'just in case' solution to ensure supply security when supply of fresh food fluctuates unexpectedly.

Meatless Farm’s research suggests 43% of shoppers are planning to reduce their meat consumption over this next year.

Many factors are stimulating the consumer driven growth of this market:

          • ∙ Concerns over fresh food security
          • ∙ Increase in health driven factors
          • ∙ Increase in the adoption of meat-free and plant based options
          • An increased interest in ethical and transparent supply chains
          • Greater awareness of the impact of the food chain on the climate
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Competition Comparison








to order

100 % Bio


Zero Carbon


100% Video




17 UN

Gobal Goals






below $6

Rewards and

Carbon credits

B Corp

The last few years have seen the explosion of the meal box/kit meal/ready meal market with Hello Fresh moving streets ahead of rivals with a growth of 143% in one year achieving a $6 Billion turnover in 2021. Hello Fresh has built their entire business on the current broken farming system that is producing 37% of the greenhouse gases and damaging the soil, they also do not own their farms. All companies plan sustainability but are not delivering. Zero Carbon Mouthful is looking to have an entire ecosystem from farm to plate with everything grown and manufactured in-house creating the healthiest most environmentally friendly food choices on the planet.

Once the food problem is solved the achievement of a Zero Carbon Day is easily within everyone's grasp.

The full comparison here is not mobile-friendly.

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Barriers to Entry

There are currently several barriers that are preventing the creation of the perfect food product and this highlights our opportunity to disrupt the market.

Few companies control the food chain and place current profits above people and the planet. Bayer, for example, has 3 main divisions - Crop Science, Pharmaceuticals and Consumer Health. They provide chemicals to fertilise and manage pests that are used in farming, then the pharmaceutical remedies to manage the health issues linked to these products as well as the food supplements to counter the reduction of vital minerals that are being taken from the soil as a result of chemical usage.

Government subsidies encourage farmers to grow specific products and in some cases stipulate seed types, chemicals, and farming practices to be used.

Another barrier is replacing current farm equipment with zero carbon-emitting farming equipment and zero-carbon energy production these have farmers hesitant to move into this space. We have spoken to farmers that have progressed to no-till planting, cover cropping and rotational grazing and are already producing a superior product but they just find the financial implication on their running operations to go all out too risky to contemplate.

Current farmers would need to lose current production for two to three years to completely switch to regenerative practices. In the UK, setup costs are prohibitively expensive. Recently a UK entrepreneur raised £20 Million for a 1,000 acre (404 hectares) farm. We will launch with 8,000 hectares under our full management and grow to 16,000for a similar investment.

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The Mission

Empower our customers to have zero carbon days

Our Model

Build a 21st Century agriDAO:

Embracing the best technologies, science and understanding available that are socially mindful, proactive, environmentally uncompromising, community-driven and financially inclusive.

A Web3 organisation that brings together its community through the virtual world to build a regenerative plant-based meat-alternative supply chain. Passing on the bulk of the carbon credits we create to our customers and community to offset against their lifestyles.

We do not intend to develop new technologies but choose rather to adapt those that exist.

Key Activities

Regenerative Farming





Key Partners





Key Resource

IC Blockchain

EIT Token


Customer Relationships


Zero Carbo Days dApp

Smart NFTs

Product Traceability

Consumer Segment

Climate Conscious

Web 3

Health Food

Value Proposition

Positive soil impact

Collective climate Impact


Meat Alternative

0% GHG

Chemical Free

Soil Friendly

Made to Order

Dietary Options

Carbon Credits


Cost Structure


Food Creation






Home Delivery

Revenue Streams

Monthly Subscription Model

UK Flag
Waving Flag of the United States
French Nation Flag

Alternative Revenue Streams

Hi-Tech Packaging

Cargo Yachts

Harvesting Technology

Bio Mass

Bio Char

We encourage a decentralised ownership structure, allowing several infrastructural blocks to be serviced via tender process. The DAO will utilise service contracts to protect investments, a tool widely used in the agricultural industry. The DAO, in conjunction with the ERP, will manage payments, record processes, and distribute funds. Our goal down the line will be to connect AI into the ecosystem to recommend adjustments to the DAO and other systems. The community would then take a vote on these changes.

Our USP is our carbon zero food supply chain that harnesses the new generation of social and environmental meta people. A dapp that brings the metaverse and the natural world together, empowering a next-generation agricultural organisation.

The business's focus is to disrupt the food industry with farm-to-plate products that sequester carbon and water, utilising transport and manufacturing practices as close to carbon-zero as technically possible. The business will offset any trace amount of carbon created through the multiple carbon sequestration operations it will have in place.

Every product purchased from us is chemical-free, heals the earth, has a carbon deficit, and positively impacts the communities around our bases of operation. We will sell products primarily on a subscription basis to support our clients' annual carbon reduction and credit goals.

Our regenerative farms utilise low and zero-emissions technology, starting in South Africa and then moving north these farms will provide the ingredients for our range of plant-based foods and contribute to local economic growth and carbon and water sequestration.

We are at a perfect point in history where government policy, customer demand and technology are lining up to create a genuinely sustainable agri-company that will positively impact the world.

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Supporting all 17 UN Global Goals

SDG No Poverty
SDG Zero Hunger
SDG Good Health and Wellbeing
SDG Quality Education
SDG Gender Equality
SDG Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy Vector
SDG Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG Industry Innovation and Infastructure
SDG Reduced Inequalities
SDG Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG Climate Action
SDG Life Below Water
SDG Life On Land
SDG Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG Partnerships For The Goals



We believe that the future structure of business lies in Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAO).

"A community-led entity with no central authority. It is fully autonomous and transparent: smart contracts lay the foundational rules, execute the agreed-upon decisions, and at any point, proposals, voting, and even the very code itself can be publicly audited."

David Shuttleworth

Earth 1st DAO is the primary DAO, which will manage the smart contracts, NFTs and EIT tokens. The Earth 1st Foundation administrates the changes made by the stakeholders via the DAO and controls Zero Carbon Mouthful and Zero Carbon Days.

This means that the organisation's structure has no hierarchy, is built upon a series of smart contracts, will be governed autonomously, transparent, secure, universally accessible, and user agnostic.

The sub-DAOs are subject to autonomous governance but legally fall under the Earth 1st Foundation umbrella.

Organic Text Placeholder Rectangle
Organic Text Placeholder Rectangle

The Earth 1st Foundation is a non-profit organisation that is the administrative arm of the Earth 1st DAO. It will set up the Primary DAO and all subDAOs within the Earth 1st ecosystem. It will also administer all real-world agreements that fall out of the legal structures of the DAO, ensuring that when setup it abides by international law and Swiss law.

It is the registered Swiss entity, and operational administrative tasks are managed to ensure the projects run within it abide by Swiss law.

Organic Text Placeholder Rectangle

Zero Carbon Mouthful (ZCM) is the operational agriDAO. All operational functions of the supply chain will fall under this element - Farms, Packaging, Logistics and Food Production

Organic Text Placeholder Rectangle

Zero Carbon Days (ZCD) is the community focussed climateDAO. The app, NFTs, meta world, merchandise and any future entertainment projects will fall under ZCD.

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The Zero Carbon Mouthful infrastructure is dependent on technological advancements as they come ​online. Our team will cover each pillar of our supply chain to ensure we are adaptable to the last ​minute before we have to make a final decision.

Community: Zero Carbon Days, we are looking to draw together a large community with a single ​mission:

To have at least one day a week with no negative carbon footprint on the earth.

We anticipate a virtual community greater than our initial zero-carbon food subscription service can ​accommodate.

DAO: Decentralised Autonomous Organisation. Our business will be run by a series of smart contracts ​and governance of the organization will be shared by all.

dApp: The digital app will be our client interface and have a large range of functions.

      • Community space
      • Personalised Zero Carbon Strategy
      • Consolidate success and get the community working with one purpose
      • Shop the Zero Carbon Mouthful range
      • Tracking the carbon reduction and credits of our clients
      • Track product operations
      • Provide a link to the virtual world

Virtual World: Our online world would ideally be part of an upcoming Web3 world that permits land ​ownership, free creative design and non-native token accommodating. It would also have a virtual ​order process for our products.

Regenerative Farms: using land regenerative practices, run on renewable energy using electric and ​animal power to run the farms, and look at new technologies available in this space.

Food Production: we will produce our products in facilities run on renewable energy.

Packaging: we will manufacture biodegradable hemp packaging next to our food factories to be ​carbon neutral.


Green Hydrogen: Where biofuels are not readily available we will produce green hydrogen to power ​our yachts, farms and factories.

Cargo sail yachts: We are looking at several options to transport our products by sea including the ​possibility of our fleet of cargo sail yachts. They will consist of super-fast hydrofoil, hydrogen-sail ​power yachts to transport our food with a carbon-neutral footprint.

Distribution: Zero-carbon warehouses and vehicles to move our products from farm to client.

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Agroecology is the management of agricultural systems with an emphasis on ecological and environmental applications. This topic is associated closely with work for sustainable agriculture, organic farming, and alternative food systems and the development of alternative cropping systems. (Wikipedia)

The Agroecological Side of the Business

Elon Musk has shown us that it is possible to transform a long-standing industry. Tesla's re-imagination of the motor manufacturing industry and market demonstrates that traditional industries can be reinvented. The food industry must be treated with the same dynamism and rebuilt from the ground up.

Regenerative farming builds soil (humus), increasing its ability to produce a healthy crop without using artificial fertilisers and pesticides that deplete the soil, our methods will sequester carbon and water. Regenerative farming promotes the growth of trillions of microbes in the soil, empowering a symbiotic relationship between plants and soil and defending against erosion, drought, and flood, increasing the nutritional content of crops and pulling carbon back into the ground.

The meat industry is making significant strides in regenerative farming with rotational grazing practices. The crop farming sector is, by contrast, way behind. Thousands of farmers have made the complete switch to regenerative agriculture for many years and are doing very well, but they are still insignificant in terms of the market. Other farmers have made partial adjustments for over ten years with fantastic results, but not the complete switch, the primary barriers to change being time and cost. These combined factors deter millions of farmers from making a complete switch.

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Flexitarian: Why more plant based?

The carbon footprint of our eating habits has a direct impact on the health and climate of our planet. The carbon footprint of a meat lover is currently more than twice that of a person on a vegan diet because of the poor farming techniques used around beef production.

Meat Lover

3.6 tons pco2


2.5 tons co2

No Beef

21.9 tons co2


1.7 tons co2


1.5 tons co2

Zero Carbon Mouthful

0.0 tons co2

We are looking for the most significant impact on our customers' carbon footprint. Going plant-based, even for one day a week, does just that.

Our product reduces our customers' carbon footprint as our meals have no carbon footprint, but our clients will be able to use the carbon credits we create through our farming process to achieve a zero-carbon day.

Our driver is to create a day of plant-based eating to impact the planet positively, one day a week. A plant-based diet is proven to reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system, improve gut health, improve heart health, reduce cancer threat, lower the risk of kidney disease, and improve brain health[1]. The World Health Organisation lists all these in the top 10 causes of death globally[2].



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Polyculture: Multi-Species Planting

The key to regenerative farming is multi-species planting or polyculture; a way of farming that enriches soil naturally and makes plants highly resistant to pests and disease. It also sequesters a large volume of carbon as carbon is a component of healthy soil

See Dr Christine Jones and Dr Elaine Ingham.

The Romans, Germans, Native Americans, even Thomas Jefferson used multispecies planting to replenish soils and restore life. The right combination of plants can increase yield as well as the nutritional value of crops.

Mono cropping (planting one crop at a time) and current mechanisation techniques have eliminated this development form, and existing supply chains also make this awkward. Our method is a multilevel positive for our production model because we will grow all our ingredients to ensure everything we put in our meals starts with a carbon deficit.

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Experienced Advisory Board

We will pull together the most successful and experienced players in the regenerative farming space to create a plan to heal the land and plant our crops regeneratively. To be effective, you need seven key disciplines to effectively heal the earth and grow the soil where we intend to plant nature's way.

We will have an experienced advisory board of leading consultants available to empower us to deliver our goals.

Our goals are not to reinvent the wheel but to bring together all existing, proven practices and scale them.

Natural Sequence Farming: a land restoration technique pioneered from the 1970s by Peter Andrew until his death and continued by his son. This method restores waterways within farmland to store water in the soil to easily resist any draught and provide needed irrigation.

Soil food web pioneered by Dr Elaine Ingham, a microbiologist, over the last four decades. Her multi-layered approach deals with the fundamental aspects of soil development and farming. I negates the need for chemicals and grows the natural microbes to increase yields. It offers natural protection against disease and pests, sequestering carbon and naturally storing water in the soil.

Multi-Species planting championed by Dr Christine Jones, a soil ecologist and ground cover specialist. Using plants to grow soil by the sequestration of carbon into the earth, and her techniques have seen excellent results. Her understanding of plant quorums that affect plant DNA support plants to create natural defences, and her work with farmers to implement changes gives her a level of unrivalled experience.

Rotational grazing championed by Joel Salatin and Alejandro Carrillo for over sixty years. Although we do not intend to sell any meat-based products, grazers are an essential part of the land and soil ecology and redevelopment. They impact protein content within the crops and are exceptional at sequestering carbon and soil development.

Regenerative farming was pioneered and promoted by Gabe Brown for more than 40 years. Gabe is a hands-on farmer who has switched to regenerative agriculture on his farm in North Dakota. He is one of the foremost experts on practical regenerative farming.

Rodale Institute has been one of the front runners and pioneers in regenerative agriculture since 1947. They have a rating system to rate regenerative practices and are a hub for cutting edge regenerative knowledge.

The Johnson-Su Bioreactor and Composting system was invented and implemented by Dr Johnson and his wife, Hui-Chun Su. They have the BEAM system (Biologically Enhanced Agricultural Management) to facilitate a more rapid restoration of agricultural land, allowing the product to

come to market earlier. .

Released in September of 2020 on Netflix, Kiss the Ground the movie narrated by Woody Harrelson is a full-length documentary shedding light on a “new, old approach” to farming called regenerative agriculture, a practice with the extraordinary ability to balance our climate and feed the world.

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Why Africa?

Developing a project of this scale in western countries is currently cost-prohibitive. Africa has vast amounts of untapped resources. Unused land, great weather, untapped biofuels, and a large labour force. The project's success is linking three cost-effective resources in Africa to lucrative Western and Asian markets. First, the land is available at less than $8 per hectare/year to start and would include a farmer for every 1,000 hectares versus $177 in the UK for land only. Second, labour is an integral part of the regenerative farming process for $1,20 per hour, versus the UK at $6.21. Africa has a virtually unlimited labour force. A well-paid seasoned farmworker earns $220 a month. Third, biomass, a virtually untapped resource, is $14 per ton, making biomass renewable energy viable for farms and factories. Biomass generators cost $8,000 in South Africa versus $150,000 in Europe. Let us not forget the weather. In general, off-grid farms can be rented and run sustainably, regeneratively, and virtually carbon neutral for a fraction of the cost of a similar operation in the UK or Europe.

Africa has numerous overlooked or under-utilised resources. One of these resources is farmland. There are thousands of hectares of land with no capital to develop them and young willing farmers with little baggage of current destructive farming practices, eager to learn and willing to put in the effort. The South African government alone is handing out 700,000 hectares of farmland and has R90 billion rand to invest in agriculture. That equates to around 700,000 rugby fields or 4% of the total amount of UK agricultural land. In light of this, setting up 8,000 hectares of farmland growing to 80,000 is a nominal expense compared to the UK. That would be enough land to grow crops for a $100,000,000 turnover if we deliver the end product directly to the client. We would have 33% more land than required to deal with unforeseen eventualities.

Our social goal is to lift disadvantaged communities out of poverty, giving them ownership in the project at a local and international level through the equitable redistribution of profits by the DAO. The DAO will automatically release staked coins to staff members, giving them the right to vote locally and internationally. All our employees contracted farmers, and suppliers will form an integral part of our community in voting and profit distribution.

Where possible, all owners will be local, contracted into the DAO. We will provide all the training and skills required to improve the communities way of life.

Heart-Centred Capitalism in action!

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The Foundation

Bring 8,000 hectares of farmland under management focusing on the correct biome for the crops we require. Growing to 80,000 hectares across 3 sub-Saharan countries. Keeping the farms in clusters with farm sizes ranging between 1,000 and 3,000 hectares within 400 miles of the sea. The farms would come with a carefully selected farmer. We would put those chosen in a ten-year training program to become self-sustaining, owning their equipment within 15 years. The farms would run off the grid on biomass generators, running a vast carbon deficit. We would rehabilitate the land before planting, with more than enough crops to produce $100,000,000 turnover to launch our product.

The establishment of our own small biomass generator company as our demand for biomass generation is an integral part of our development. We are also looking at alternate power generation practices.

Build prototype high-speed hydrofoil sail trimaran hydrogen-powered cargo yachts. South Africa is currently the 2nd largest multi-hull builder globally, building 25% of all the world's multi-hull boats.

Grow hemp to manufacture zero-carbon isochoric packaging.

Green hydrogen manufacture using an existing specialist, in conjunction with our biomass generation.

In conjunction with universities, celebrity chefs and consultants, we would create a simple range of alternative meat meals to allow our customers to enjoy guilt-free zero-carbon eating days. We will control the entire farm to plate marketing and distribution channel. We will create a whole post-able social experience around zero-carbon days.

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Products And Distribution

Launch Objective: $100,000,000 turnover

Our objective is $100,000,000 turnover at launch. As our USP is regeneratively farmed zero-carbon food, so we must manage the entire supply chain. Unnecessarily moving products would create carbon complications. To reach our objective, we need no-carbon equipment and facilities. This ability will give us a significant advantage over current competitors, whose existing supply chains are not carbon friendly. We have modelled the supply chain on weight to keep the model simple. In reality, sales value to weight will be higher, but we have kept it simple for the model to run at scale.

The average person consumes 2kg of food per day = on average $20 per client per day

This will consist of breakfast lunch and dinner and two snacks.

The production goal is 10,000 tons of food per year for to launch. Our 96,000 clients will eat once a week.

South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya

We will set up the factories close to farms and run with renewable energy to produce 60,000 meals in the first factory per day. Growing to 200,000 meals per day across 3 factories.

Next to each food factory, we would have hemp packaging facilities run on renewable energy.

Goods will be moved from our factories with electric or low carbon emission trucks, stored in our port warehouses, and run with renewable energy systems.

Transported the products on our purpose-built yachts.

London, New York and Paris

River/port storage warehouses that can hold 2.5 months of stock, 700 tons each, 1,000 cubic meters of freezer capacity with green hydrogen storage/manufacture to refuel yachts.

We will add seven additional coastal cities, e.g. Rotterdam, LA, Sydney, Singapore, Dublin,

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Current Achievements

There have been many successful endeavours in the core areas of our model that serve as our inspiration.

Laguna Blanca was in the midst of a dramatic transformation from industrial monoculture to organic polyculture. Comprising more than 7,000 acres at the confluence of the Feliciano and Parana rivers in north-eastern Argentina's Entre Ríos Province, Laguna Blanca offers an opportunity to develop a model of diversified organic agriculture for the region. The farm has since been sold after the owner's death. Tomkins Conservation developed this farm with the sole purpose of showing what is possible with regenerative agriculture. We would have the best support team available in the world today and a passionate team on the ground to fulfil it.

Although a race boat Gitana 17 is capable of over 50 knots, it shows the possibilities of a fleet of hydrofoil hydrogen-sail powered yachts capable of reaching 30 knots and carrying 125 tons of cargo to port cities all over the world. The marketability of this idyllic image has limitless possibilities. The impact of sailing a boat like this into New York, London, and Paris to support our brand will epitomise the values of our brand.

Energy generation using biomass, especially in the African context, is a virtually untapped resource. We will be able to supply equipment for almost one-twentieth of the price of the units in the EU.

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The Route to Market

Zero Carbon Days

Our mission is to empower our clients to have zero carbon days. A feat that currently is near impossible.

Protecting animals is presently the primary focus in the vegan food space, with some brands even listing on their websites how many animals saved. This ideology can alienate a significant portion of our potential market that eat meat.

Our vision is a farm-to-fork carbon reduction and sequestration process delivering plant-based meals.

We will put the tools and techniques into our community's hands to empower zero-carbon days. Customers will access our subscription meals via an app.

A slider that focuses on carbon reduction per year will offer several carbon reduction options, then a meal plan will be suggested based on that choice. The app will additionally offer menu choices based on health goals and dietary requirements.

We would also add a few restaurant chains keen to provide zero-carbon meals and an outlet store to deal with excess stock. We will develop our community through our dapp and virtual world using available social channels. Our product launch's sales requirement is 120,000 clients, 40,000 in each city, London, New York and Paris. We intend to have a potential client base double the size of what we can supply, gearing up to 1.2 million clients by year six with the addition of six or seven new cities.

Our community will be our core asset from the outset, with a primary focus on early adopters for the first six years.

Venn Diagram 3 Circles



Health ​Conscious

Monoline Arrow Simple Wavy Up

Early Adopter

Sweet Spot

We aim to have many of our initial investors become our product end-users, both virtual and physical world's products.

Technology will be our primary marketing tool with a dapp that will engage our community on many levels. We will draw climate concerned, health-conscious people, into our metaverse experience.

Our existing projects in Africa will reflect our social ethics and intentions.

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Our technology will run on the Internet Computer (IC), developed by the DFINITY Foundation.

The IC is a revolutionary, decentralized global compute platform using advanced cryptography and decentralized technology which makes the protocol tamper-proof and efficiently scalable.

This will allow us to create secure applications that run at web speed directly on the blockchain.



Chain Link Outline
Organic Text Placeholder Rectangle
Organic Text Placeholder Rectangle
Organic Text Placeholder Rectangle

Earth 1rst DAO

Decentralised Autonomous Organisation

Blockchain ERP

Immersive Chain of Custody


Web3 Powered App

Our Technology 100% On chain

Earth 1st DAO

Decentralised Autonomous Organisation

To create security and transparency for our principles (investors, community, suppliers, staff and subsidiaries) our organization will be a DAO (Decentralised Autonomous organization.)

Earth 1st DAO with an EIT token

The internet computer multi-chain technology will allow us to build our applications 100% on-chain fully decentralised. Within the DAO we will be able to finance and host several brands, businesses and sub-DAOs: Zero Carbon Mouthful being an agriDAO and Zero Carbon Days a climateDAO.

The DAO’s function is:

first and foremost, token management and security, it will be the Earth-1st Fortress (Treasury) a place investors will confidently entrust their tokens. The DAO will be the biggest EIT holder to protect the token.

The DAO fortress will mint tokens based on predefined parameters relating to the GDP of the Earth 1st Ecosystem then allocate minted tokens to the principles and the treasury. The DAO's function will be to secure tokens for the principles.

The DAO's trading bot will also trade EIT tokens on open exchanges to stabilize token value and profit from market surges. It will also reward principles by distributing profits.

Blockchain ERP

Immersive Chain of Custody

Our immersive chain of custody blockchain would follow the product's life from seed to plate, ensuring zero-carbon integrity and absolute traceability. The entire journey would have video snippets that would corroborate the traceability and engage our community.

We would also leverage the blockchain to track carbon sequestration relative to planted batches


Web3 Powered App

A multi-functional dapp will manage an immersive experience linking communities to our virtual and physical worlds.

Smart NFTs

decentralised family crypto wallet

NFT mint and marketplace

eCommerce zero-carbon products

Web 3 training

web 3 tools

Promote sponsors

  • Connect to our virtual world
  • Restaurant chains in other Meta worlds
  • Buy our offline products with local fiat currency and open the door to our virtual world
  • Allow nonvirtual product traceability
  • Track customer carbon footprint for the proactive climate activists

Communities will buy our tokens to interact and transact in these worlds. They will play and buy our products using the virtual menus we create. The focus will be to present to them the positive impact their purchase will have on the world. Once the product arrives, they will trace its journey and carbon impact from farm to plate.

Our blockchain ERP (the system that manages the business) would facilitate the immersive experience. We will create an online environment that reflects our values in our offline ecosystem. The ecosystems are to be financed by our Earth1st utility token. To develop virtual carbon zero farms and homesteads and estates to holiday and play, knowing that the virtual retreat is sustaining a natural-world ecosystem that will bring zero-carbon food to our homes.

Communities can exchange tokens for NFTs, goods and services that reflect their love and care of our plant.

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Zero Carbon Days empowers people to be able to wake up in the morning, live, work, play and go to bed having left no negative carbon footprint on the earth for one day a week.

The central aspect of our technology is community and family. We will capitalise on the growth of web 3 from 120,000,000 users to 1-billion users over the next 3 years

We will leverage web 3 technologies like smart NFTs that will be able to stay up to date with a community member's carbon impact stats; carbon reduction or carbon offsetting.

Building a Climate Conscious Community

Zero Carbon Days and the associated community is a stand-alone project that generates its own income and achieves its own clear objective, acting like a funnel to promote the mission and products of Zero Carbon Mouthful.

The community will interact through Tik Tok, Instagram, Discord events and educational forums all linked within the app itself.

We are creating a metaworld experience through the dApp allowing people to virtually order products and link virtually to the content created by the immersive chain of custody ERP. We will grow into virtual worlds, games and entertainment to improve overall customer education and experience.

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Smart NFT's

Our Smart NFTs are linked to your Zero Carbon Days dAPP. As you register your carbon savings, purchase carbon credits and purchase food or products from our specially selected zero carbon products from our store your NFT will adjust broadcasting your Earth 1st Defender status across our network.

Earth1st Defenders

The Backstory

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It's the year 3000, a platoon of Livestock Guardian Dogs live on the moon, they survived the climate catastrophe of 2035 which wiped out humans and left Earth virtually uninhabitable.  This plucky pack of post-apocalyptic space pirate defenders have developed time travel and are going back in time to save humanity from themselves.

Why dogs?

The relationship between most dogs and animals is predator-pray. A border collie chases the sheep, and the sheep run because of fear. A Guardian dog is different; it has an instinct to protect. It sees the sheep or chickens as family. The sheep don't fear it or run from it. They follow it and look to it for protection. The dogs in turn guard the animals against predation from wild animals.

Dogs have been living and working with people for centuries. One of the earliest jobs that our ancestors trained and used their canine friends to do was to work as livestock guardians.

Protecting and watching over domestic livestock to ensure that they don’t become an easy meal for wild predators was, and still is, an important task. While technological advances have changed and modernized many aspects of farming, the role of the livestock guardian dog (LGD) has remained largely unchanged.

While the task carried out by LGDs may not be as complex as that of some other working dogs, it’s not something that just any dog can do. There are several specific traits that LGDs need to have. For starters, LGDs are typically large or giant breeds, as this isn’t a task for a small dog. They usually have thick all-weather coats that make it possible for them to spend most of their working lives outdoors. They also need to get on with or at least tolerate the constant presence of the livestock, and they need a calm, patient, and alert manner and exceptionally strong guarding instinct.

In many ways, we relate several of the Guardian Dogs' traits to describe the values of our Zero Carbon Day community:

      • an instinct to protect
      • vocal protest
      • companionship
      • strong-minded
      • calm
      • patient
      • alert
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Charly, Our Guardian Dog

(Pyrenees Mountain Dog)

Tokenomics: GDP Driven Crypto Ecosystem

We are connecting the minting process of coins to the GDP of the organisation to maintain integrity and simplicity of approach. We are looking to create a model within a DAO that allows for unlimited growth within the ecosystem.

This way the volume of tokens and their value are linked to the overall health of the ecosystem (GDP) and the perception of the value and stability will be reflected in the demand.

GDP will be measured by considering investment into the ecosystem, sales of products, purchase of assets, the value of contracts under management, brands, projects in the ecosystem, staking of coins for rewards, employees.

The last twelve months in crypto have endorsed the value of consumer/investor confidence as a key metric of the value of a coin. Eco-systems that provide little utility outside of demand show volatility. Bitcoin has the key utility of being the legacy blockchain and the go-to product for financial institutions. Ethereum provides a defi utility that has positioned it, currently, in second place to Bitcoin, with smart contracts being the key differentiator.

A high-quality profitable eco-system and a limit in supply will create a coin that has a more stable perception, thereby increasing its value. Internal and external demand for a coin will influence the value of the coin and, if well managed, will reward the principles and DAO with liquidity to utilise to develop the organisation.

The Earth 1st Ecosystem

Initially, our ecosystem will be insular with all coins vested within the DAO until launch, at which point principals based on their function or roles will be able to access tokens decreasing their stake within the DAO. Refer to Principles Governing the Vesting Schedule later in this document.

Coin minting will be handled by the Earth 1st DAO based on predefined parameters limited by GDP and global market value (GMV) impact.

We have created a representative model of the parameters for the mint, but the core model will be created and tested by an actuary with the support of an economist.

Earth 1st DAO minting model

Initially, a base mint will take place to launch the DAO with coins being allocated to the initial principals.

Seed Base Mint









Series A








Series A Mint

Series B Mint

Series B


Series A








Founders’ token holding will be equal to or a proportion of seed funding and grow as GDP grows. Seed funders become part of the founding team and are rewarded accordingly. The power of the DAO will be extended to trade EIT tokens to stabilize, protect and profit from its currency

A base mint is put in place to launch the DAO. This mint is only ever done once and is the foundation of the DAO.

Each series of investments would create an increase in GDP signalling the DAO to mint new tokens.

Our EIT token will be valued at $1 by year 4, a value that we can stipulate internally within our ecosystem based on the GMV of our ready meals at launch: $6 meal = 6 EIT tokens.

We will fracture our tokens by 100 giving them a 1c value pre-launch and model our mint around this. Our coins would have a pre-demand value of 1c.

We will mint at 20% of GDP as we believe this is a healthy figure for our young ecosystem. Strong economies tend to have less than 10% of the GDP in circulating currency. This figure will be impacted by GMV of our token catapulting the value of the coin far above GDP because of the demand for the coin.

A base mint of 30,000,000 tokens is allocated to the seed round funders to ensure good ROI by the model.

GDP Increase x Circulation x Fracture Value

1,000,000 x 0.20 x 100

These coins will grow through the minting process to between 80 and 150 million through the life cycle of the project giving an anticipated 150 – 200x ROI.

Fracture Value


Reducing the initial token valuation from its expected $1 to 1c

Circulation %


Percentage of GDP minted for circulation

As in any healthy economy currency circulation needs to be limited to a percentage of its GDP. Healthy economies tend to be below 10%. A target we will look to move towards over the first 10 years of trade. We have set a 20% of GDP mint allowance as this is a healthy number in a young ecosystem. After 8 years of trading, the DAO would seek to reduce this figure.

Base tokens are allocated based on the anticipated X ROI achievable through the overall model. This is a model and returns can only truly be assessed as the model runs.


Series A

Total to Date





Minted EIT











Sweat equity




Seed Funders




Series A Funders




Series B Funders










Token Circulation


Base Mint *% is then calculated for the DAO to determine how to allocate new tokens being minted to existing principals. As a % of all new tokens minted are allocated to existing principals.

As coins are released to principals to trade and a market value for the coin is determined, the fractoring will be adjusted accordingly. That calculation will be set within the DAO and amended through the agreement of the community.

The capital injection of Series A funding increases GDP triggering the DAO to mint tokens. Increased value times 20% is then divided by the fracture value of 100 to create 400,000,000 tokens. 50% of the tokens are allocated to the new principals that contributed to the GDP then 20% of the balance is distributed to existing principals on their *% value the balance is allocated to the DAO Treasury.

*% value is first calculated by the base mint and is the value of all principals’ tokens added together. This excludes the DAO treasury as it is not seen as a principal but as a protector of the principals. The sum of the *% is 100%.

The balance of the mint goes to strengthen the treasury.

We have kept the model simple for the explanation, but every underlying asset added to the ecosystem will have a positive impact on its GDP. We have listed potential assets but will only look to include them in the system algorithm we will design to run the ecosystem.

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GDP Based Minting



Series A Funders


Sweat equity

Series B Funders


Seed Funders







Series A

Series B

GDP Year 4

GDP Year 5

Each principal reaps the benefits of new coins being minted as the GDP grows. When we launch the product the benefits of the model will become clear.

We follow the same formula for minting turnover as we do for investment. The only difference being that the 50% of the tokens are not allocated to customers exclusively but are also allocated to staff and suppliers etc.

Clients will be rewarded tokens for achieving Zero Carbon Days and for subscription renewals, reaping the benefits of the increasing value of the EIT token. It becomes clear as the model develops that the power balance swings in favour of customers and contributing principals enabling them to affect the governance of the DAO. Governance is the core development objective of the seed funding round.

Anticipated ROI at launch year 4

Growing Investment Icon


ROI on Seed


ROI on Series A


ROI on Series B

Based on $1 = 1 EIT valuation

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Principles Governing the Vesting Schedule

Keeping tokens inside the DAO for the initial period until launch is the principal method of keeping our economy safe, allowing it to mature and ensuring the highest possible returns for principals.

Managing the transition period between realising the global market value (GMV) for the coin and our insular value is a dynamic period that will only happen once in the lifetime of the ecosystem. Allowing the GMV to impact too early would decrease the fractural value we are using to mint the coin. The insular fractural value is 100 but as the coin's GMV increases it will have a direct impact on the number of coins minted. If the coin reaches 10c the fractional value will drop to 90 if it reaches $1 the fractional value is 0 as it goes over $1 the fractional value or as the coin gets publicly traded its exchange rate conversion rate reverses the fractural value. This is not negative as the overall value of the tokens is now driven by demand. The number of tokens the DAO would mint would be affected. The sophistication of the minting calculation would have to reflect the rising GMV of the token.

This process is true for any economy where the value of the currency internally and the global market value vary.

This is the area where market perception and utility of the token come together to rally the GMV of the coin to exceptional heights. The core part of this is a stable profitable ecosystem.

In basic terms, the vesting schedule would potentially allow 20% of the tokens to be released to the market for year 5 the second trading year but would need to be modelled to ensure the highest mint possible to the last possible opportunity.

The liquidity needs of the DAO to pay external commitments would also need to be considered although the DAO will have the currency and coins available through its sales to meet those commitments.

Tokens that are allocated to customers, staff subDAO’s, suppliers and entities contracted into the DAO will have an array of commitments and obligations they would need to go through before being able to remove coins from the DAO to realise their value. The DAO would also provide many opportunities for principals to realise the value of their tokens within the ecosystem and these would often provide a higher value of the return.

In some cases, customers may be able to see a rebate of an entire year's subscription if the GMV for the token increases its value tenfold or more.

This is going to be an exciting time in the life of the DAO and for the principals, as there is not much precedent to compare it to.

In Summary

The model that is developed would need to be stress-tested with multiple scenarios to ensure the highest return for the principals. The convergence between 100% insular, and the GMV impact on the token would need to be tightly managed by the vesting schedule and agreed upon by the principals.

Our excel model shows the convergence of the impact between 100% insular minting and GMV impacted minting from year 4 and our DAO's algorithm would need to find the happy medium.

The escalation of token value to GDP is a direct result of the uniqueness of crypto ecosystems.

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Square Line Frame

Bruce Campbell



Founder, Visionary, BVTP Silica Mining, Philanthropist

Web3 Climate Vegan


Advisory Board

Wayne Kaminsky

Board Advisor

South Africa

Founder of FitChef SA & The Wellness Revolution. A health & wellness leader in South Africa Wayne has frozen ready meal experience that is crucial to the success of our final product.

Gerry Wilkinson

Investment Consultant


An experienced business owner and consultant. Gerry has several clients in the Crypto and start-up space that he has found investors for and empowered to scale.


Sam Cannon

Business Liaison


Formula E & E1, Hemp Advisor & Community Development. Sam is an energetic creative who excels at bringing people together for a common goal.

Chloe Thibault

Sustainability Analyst


Chloe has a strong sense of social and environmental justice and approached ZCM to be involved in the project. She has provided all the French market research for the project.

Aleks Tanevski

Systems Engineer

North Macedonia

An experienced and dynamic systems engineer. Aleks, ran a dev team for Bruce in Macedonia.

Chand Prakash

Technical Manager


An effective team leader. Chand has worked with Bruce on a variety of projects over the last five years

Jacob Fretwell

Animator Cardiff

Having already been involved in pimping out bored Ape NFTs, Jacob was keen to get involved in a project that was looking to make a difference in the world

Lauren Clithero



A passionate photographer and animator Lauren was keen to get involved in developing the Earth 1st Defenders

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Person Holding Cup With Green Plant


The entire project pivots around achieving Series A funding and objectives.

Seed funding and objectives are to give investors the confidence to risk $20,000,000 in the project and the Series B funding and objectives are to provide the infrastructure to deliver it.

Seed funding – $1Million

Series A Funding – $20Million

Series B Funding – $100Million

Objectives Of Each Funding Round

Each of our funding rounds has a strategic objectives to reduce risk, build foundations, create product and prepare the organization for the next round of funding and the ability to deliver the funding objectives..

Seed Funding

Primary objective:

Create a secure token environment and prove base concepts

Raise $20,000,000 Series A funding to setup farms

Series B

Primary objective:

Zero Carbon manufacturing, warehouse and distribution infrastructure

Deliver 15,000,000 meals year 4

Grow to $1Billion turnover

Current Objective:

Raise $1,000,000 in

Seed funding

Series A

Primary Objective:

Grow zero-carbon regenerative crops for 15,000,000 meals

Raise $100,000,000 Series B funding to get the perfect meal to market

Seed funding – $1Million

Primary Objective

Create a secure token environment and prove

basic concepts

Raise $20 million


Setup DAO



Zero Carbon Days


Smart NFT's


Prototype isochoric

demonstration unit

Yacht design

Bio mass power unit


Growth Hackers

Regenerative Farmers

Carbon Scientist

Zero Carbon Days CEO

Fund Raiser


Evidence African

government support

Contract first farmer

3000 hectares

Build farming strategy

with year 4 launch objective


Zero Carbon Days

Grow community

Extend brand awareness


Raise charitable funding

to demonstrate

social intention


To attract large scale investment we will create a technology platform that will manage, mint, allocate and secure tokens. Transparency, the foundation of decentralised governance, will be created to encourage community engagement. As a video montage is a key product USP, the video aspect of our chain of custody ERP will be created.


Outside of technology, additional team members will be engaged so that we can deliver on key Seed Funding objects to demonstrate to Series A investors the ability to deliver the wider project.


We have multiple objectives for our farms outside of being zero carbon and they will be the foundation of our product. the first farm will be contracted to show it can be done and relate costs to bring it under contract. We will plan all the crops we need to grow to produce our first 15,000,000 meals, in house considering various anticipated technological developments. Based on that, prospective farms will be identified in the correct areas to produce all the required crops. Equipment to run the farms will be identified and the principal rollout strategy created. Each farm would be unique as soils, climate, and location infrastructure will be different.


Packaging will be developed that incorporates isochoric freezing and self-heating. Although this is not imperative to the success of the project. It would give an additional USP and add to our competitive advantage. We will ensure sea transport will be zero carbon. Our initial focus will be to pursue 120 ton hydrogen sail yachts.


As there is a 4-year development process before we are in a position to deliver the first meal, we need to focus on building a legion of supporters and a strong community. Our primary methodology is to leverage social media to educate and support people wanting to have a climate impact. We will look to build a self-sustaining marketing platform using zero-carbon days as a key tool to connect people.

Social Impact

Charitable funds will be raised for our current non-profit partners, with whom we will work alongside to demonstrate our commitment to social change in Africa.

This will establish a great foundation to secure the $20million Series A funding.

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Seed Funding £1M

First Months

Implement DAO Goverance

Web 3 Training Platform


Develop the DAO that will be the centre of the organization's governance and token security.


Growing a community around the project and virtual world

DAO Development

Growing a community around the project and virtual world

Setup our community dApp within the blockchain ecosystem NFT Mint , Family Wallet, ecommerce

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Register Earth 1st Foundation

Register Swiss Foundation

Isochoric Packaging

Start to design and prototype packaging solutions

Establish Team

Tech, Social Media, NFT design

Tik Tok Journey

Growing a community around the project and products, we are looking to supply

Growing a community around the project and products, we are looking to supply

Setup DAO Algorithm

Farms and Farmers

Identify Farms and farmers for 60000 hectares of farms

Farm Power Generation

Choose best green energy source for Farms

Growing a community around the project and products, we are looking to supply

Launch Zero Carbon Days

Growing a community around the project and products, we are looking to supply

Launch Web 3 Training

Engage Governments

Growing a community around the project and products, we are looking to supply

Unlock government support around projects

Launch NFT's

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Young Plant Growing

Series A Funding – $20Million

Primary Objective

Grow zero carbon regenerative crops for 15,000,000 meals

Raise $100,000,000 to get the perfect meal to market


Extend DAO functionality

Develop trading bot

Ramp up visual chain of custody ERP

Zero Carbon Days dapp


Plan for zero-carbon, manufacturing, warehousing and




Hydrogen manufacture




Engauge full future management team

Engauge key farm staff

Extend support staff


Contract farms

Zero carbon equipment

Regenerate soils

Grow seed

Next 60,000 hectares

Year 3 plant crops


Zero Carbon Days

Grow community

Sell first



Start eco village for operations staff

Start training and factories


The DAO will be extended in conjunction with the chain of custody ERP to make payments to subDAOs and third parties based on events that trigger the relevant smart contracts. This will be set up to protect all parties involved in each transaction. The first full version of the chain of custody ERP will be released to ensure the life cycle of each meal will be fully documented. Start the development of a trading bot that will trade EIT tokens, once the coins are released into the wider crypto ecosystem. The zero-carbon days dapp will be extended to incorporate the distribution of our meals.


Setup the management team of the company as a $1Billion perfect ready meal supplier to ensure we are ready for our next stage of investment, and that we have the skills to deliver the volume of meals required. The farm support team will be set up to ensure that the quality and process to deliver the perfect meal will be the highest standard available.


Bring the first 60,000 hectares under management. Start the process of sail regeneration. Plant several test biodiverse crop combinations based on the biome of each farm to identify the best biodiverse solution for the particular farm. With the focus on the crops we need and the combination that sequesters the most carbon. We will look to procure the equipment to run the farms.


While the farms are establishing themselves, there is a great window of opportunity to prepare for the manufacturing, warehousing and logistics. Currently, to be zero carbon every part of our product will need to be grown and then transformed into a product in-house. As we put the business plan together for Zero Carbon Mouthful, we became acutely aware that the green tech space is continually developing', this will require us to adapt our plans right until the eleventh hour to ensure we have the best technology available for our zero-carbon operations. Power is the key and has to be sustainable. The focus is currently on biomass because of the abundance of untapped resources available in Africa. his will allow us to produce green hydrogen for use in our kitchens. At this stage, we will look to plan every aspect of our operation down to the finest detail allowing us an effective rollout once we have our Series B funding.


Our focus on innovation, outside of farming methodologies, will be fairly narrow at this stage. We will look at the ability to manufacture our packaging and at our requirements to leverage it effectively for the customer to ensure a zero-carbon meal and a great overall experience. Based on the design delivered by the naval architects we will look to develop a scaled model of our cargo yacht. This is not about pushing innovation as much as leveraging existing technologies into a product fit for purpose in this area. We will look to create our green hydrogen production in conjunction with all of our energy generation this is not at an industrial scale but for use within the organization.


Our investment in our community has already begun pre-seed-funding. We see ourselves as part of the community. We will create a unified ability in the one area of our lives we can create the highest climate impact on our food. We will offer a product that will allow a zero-carbon day. We will look to expand the zero-carbon day platform to encapsulate this central ethos. In this context, we will sell our first subscriptions based on climate impact.

Social Impact

A central part of our company policy is to facilitate unity amongst cultures and generate support long term wealth generation for those involved with the organization. We will look to create entire communities around our farms and factories to achieve this goal. We will also look at incorporating practical and technical education as an important ethos of our communities.

This will establish a great foundation so we can secure our $100 million Series B funding.

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Series A Funding £20m


This will be the visual element of the blockchain ERP

Extend DAO

Extend DAO to facilitate subDAO's sophisticated contracts and agreements supported by the block chain.

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Build Blockchain ERP

Create the contract that will run the various relationships between the supply chain ecosystem including carbon traking.

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Virtual World

Design and setup our virtual world within the blockchain ecosystem

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Launch Virtual World

Launch virtual world Eco Game with NFT generational eco warrior characters

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Steering team & devs

Engage the key team members to lead projects and the core developer team.

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Setup Agri-Committee

Setup the regenerative farming technologies consultancy group

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Contract Farms

Contact farmers- 60k hectare across three countries six climate regions

ZC Farm equipment

Support farms to procure zero-carbon farming equipment with sustainable green energy solutions

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Farm Regeneration

Each farm will go through a tailored process to create soil and restore microbial life. This is a managed two year process.

Polycrop testing

Test various polycrop mixes to prepare for planting and create seed

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Planting to create seed

Start planting with the view to create the seed to plant our crops

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Cargo Yacht

Establish the best shipping solution for the product

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Design Food Products

Design the ZCM menu

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Polycrop Harvesting

Work with equipment suppliers to maximise multispecies harvesting techniques

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Planting Crops

Work with equipment suppliers to maximise multispecies harvesting techniques

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Biomass/Green hydrogen

Setup Green hydrogen production using biomass to power our transportation and energy systems.

Base Video Platform

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Green Leafed Plants

Series B Funding – $100Million

Primary Objective

Zero Carbon manufacturing, warehouse and distribution infrastructure

Deliver 15,000,000 meals year 4

Grow to $1Billion turnover


Develop liquidity ROI

Setup virtual restaurants and takeaways

Immersive country side metaverse experience


Plan for zero-carbon, manufacturing, warehousing and



Carbon sequestration


Multispecies harvesting


Engauge full future management team

Engauge key staff

Extend support staff


Continue to optimize production

grow to 320,000 hectares adding in South America

Contract farms in the US, UK and Europe


Zero Carbon Days

Grow community

Extend brand awareness


Continue tp develop micro towns


Ecommerce platforms


By this stage, we will have a functioning technology stack with the DAO and community governance running effectively and the community dapp with carbon tracking, NFTs and engagement will be running well. We would look to prepare the DAO to break its insular operation by creating a trading bot to protect and leverage the EIT token resources to increase the overall demand for it. The stability of the organization will provide real-world demand for the token internally and externally. Initially, all required fait liquidity will be provided by the Earth 1st foundation to ensure that the organization can function and its staff can live. All of the principal's tokens will be locked by the vesting schedule.


We will look to extend the team for each of the core divisions with a focus on operations including food preparation logistics and warehousing. All the requirements for this phase will have been designed over the previous 24 months


Looking to ensure that we have the base products on track to meet the demand we will continue to add more farms to grow our internal land under management to over 320,000 hectares. We will diversify product ranges to keep meals fresh and interesting and work on strategies to ensure we are growing our carbon sequestration outcomes year on year.


The primary objective of this funding round is to put in the infrastructure to be able to deliver over 15 million meals at launch with the capacity to grow to 150,000,00 meals. . All of the manufacturing will be done in Africa to keep costs down and create much-needed employment. Each stage of the process will have a zero-carbon footprint. Ingredient processing facilities to convert the product from its harvested state into the form that will be required to cook with will be built. We will set up our packaging plant to manufacture zero-carbon packaging. The finished products will be transported to the port warehouse for distribution to our warehouse and distribution centres in London, New York and Paris.


Investment in innovation around carbon sequestration will continue, to drive our sequestration levels to 40 tons per hectare. We would also look to develop tools and technologies to automate multispecies harvesting as this would allow us to contract farms in countries with higher wage costs.


We will look to continue to expand our community and brand awareness to always have more demand for our product than what we can supply.

Social Impact

To have the highest social impact in the areas where we establish farms and factories we will look to extend our eco-village to facilitate education, personal growth and wealth creation.

This will establish a great foundation to reach a $1 billion turnover

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ICO - $100m

Nov 2024

Launch Virtual World

Launch virtual world Eco Game with NFT generational eco warrior characters


Sell the first yearly meal subscriptions based on zero carbon emissions and with carbon credits

£100m Food subscriptions

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Build Yachts

Move prototype hydrofoil cargo yacht into full scale production Yachts to

New farms

Contract New Farms

Setup green receiving dispatch and bakers in major cities to receive and distribute product product

Sail into Ldn/NY/P

Plant crops regeneratively with zero carbon techniques

Food Factories

Setup contracted food production facilities that are sustainably powered carbon zero

Hemp-based sustainable packaging factories next to food factories

Warehouses Africa

Setup green distribution warehouses on the coast to dispatch product

Packaging Factories

Warehouses Ldn/NY/PA

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Social Impact

Working in Africa allows us to make a difference to people who need it. Having taken some time out with our children to get involved in this space has enabled us to develop a model we can implement.

The most challenging part of supporting people is not pushing an agenda but identifying what communities want and giving them the support to do it.

We desire to impact 1,000 people for every 10,000 hectares we cultivate. To accomplish this effectively, we need to create jobs for 100 people outside of our business in a single community; from that point, a community has a chance to get on its own feet.

The idea is to create a small set of businesses that we can replicate across communities.

We will raise additional funds for our projects from various agencies. One of our side-line businesses would be to create a simple app to run a make on-demand eCommerce business 'Gorgeous Africa' that would supply African handcrafted products to the European markets. Although having a primarily social function, it will be an effective for-profit company.

One of the social products we will market internationally is vegan leather products made from upcycled tyre tubes.

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